Today is the day . . . the day of my first tea-in -tangiers musings, and it is also the day, nineteen years ago, on a beach in Madagascar, that was our wedding day – an auspicious date I decided, and one clearly suited to longevity and success.
If you want to read a little more about why Tangiers, flick across to here.
But for now, I am going to use this blog to share the sights & sounds, the people & places of the area and countryside around Tangiers, and Assilah in particular – and I might well fling in a few other ruminations and destinations that this life might lead to.
I am planning to enjoy and discover a little more with each visit, until the visits hopefully get longer and turn into stays.
So join me to find good places to eat, calm places to escape to, busy places worth bargaining over, the hidden places and the open spaces of this little piece of the world right on the edge of Africa.
For this ‘grand opening’, I have decided to keep things short and sweet and start on a lyrical note. The music of french Moroccan artist Hindi Zahra is always on my playlist – and this song is one of my favourites because of the lyrics – imik simik – (meaning little by little in the Berber language of south western morocco) – which kind of encapsulates my journey to Tangiers.
so, listen, enjoy
and join me periodically on these pages
for a little
tea-in-tangiers {please}
or, as it is more likely,
but less alliteratively, to be,
a coffee or three.