Sitting on the roof terrace of La Tangerina, gazing across the straits towards Spain, sipping on hot mint tea or maybe a cold glass of wine, always feels just a little remarkable to me.
A {literal} stones throw away from the fortified walls that overlook the ocean,
La Tangerina is on the main road that goes through the Kasbah.
As you knock on the somewhat daunting front door, you feel a little like someone out of a fairy tale as the door swings open and you step out of the road and into the calm and cool of the hotel.
Fresh flowers, filtered light, a canary chirping somewhere up the stairs . . .
Attention to detail is evident everywhere, from the collection of vintage radios, to thoughtfully selected books to page through as you sink into a comfortable chair and conect to the wifi.
A little like going into someones home – just better.

Before heading out to Shop the Kasbah
take in the best places for more Mint Tea